Julie Verlinden

As your photographer, I am here to reveal the magic of your everyday life. Together we create meaningful, gorgeous, and sometimes unexpected photos. I help you visualize the love and connection you are feeling, and embrace the little things that often go unnoticed. My goal is to always enter the space with compassion, patience, and an open mind.
I was born and raised in Belgium, and moved to the US only a few years ago. From these early photos, it is clear I never believed in perfect smiles and immaculate outfits for photoshoots. Growing up, I remember being a shy, but very curious and inquisitive child. That curiosity never left and I think is my driving force when I photograph. Structuring the world, for myself, but also for you, and showing things and moments that might get lost in the mix of real life rushing by.
This photo was tucked away in my mom’s house and I only recently discovered it. My mother in the middle, as a little girl. I cherish this photo, and photos like this, so much. Family history holds so much value, and being able to see glimpses of our roots can be incredibly powerful.
Some of my favorite photos of myself, are the ones showing me doing what I love the most. Exploring and documenting the world. Ever since I moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, I have focused on documenting the stories of family life, wedding days and creating meaningful portraits. On my days off you might find me kayaking and photographing the Louisiana swamps. In New Orleans, I love starting my day with a long walk in City Park and a coffee with a friend. In the summer I visit my friends and family in Belgium, and in between sessions I love traveling to new places whenever I can.

“If the photographer is interested in the people in front of his lens, and if he is compassionate, it’s already a lot. The instrument is not the camera but the photographer.”

— Eve Arnold